183 - Tree swallow. South checklist filter revision completed! - Wisconsin eBird Long bill, slightly upcurved and pink with black tip. The lake receives water through a canal on the southwest side that brings water from the North Canadian River at the northeast margin of Lake Overholser. The bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica) is a large wader in the family Scolopacidae, which feeds on bristle-worms and shellfish on coastal mudflats and estuaries.It has distinctive red breeding plumage, long legs, and a long upturned bill. Since the water level is fairly low, the shoreline is distant and even with my 40-60 zoom on my Zeiss spotting scope at full power I struggled trying to tell if these were Marbled or the rare Hudsonians. Oklahoma Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles. A Hudsonian Godwit in flight. Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit (V) 10. Forests. At Lower Ugashik Lake the diversity of . Hudsonian Godwit Marbled Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Black Turnstone Red Knot Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Curlew Sandpiper Sanderling Dunlin Purple Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Least Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper In fall, most fly nonstop from James Bay, Canada, to South America. In spring it moves north across the Great Plains, pausing at marshes and flooded fields more often than at the mudflats thronged by other shorebirds. The first codes were created by the Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) for use by bird banders in submitting data; consequently the codes are frequently referred to as "banding codes". Some stop in . Bar-tailed and Hudsonian Godwits, for example, undertake annual migrations with nonstop legs exceeding 10,000 km (Battley et al. Red Knot: This species continues an upward trend, with peak counts increasing by 50% each year; this year's maximum was 736 birds 9 SPRING, 1984 A Hudsonian Godwit in flight. We sampled twelve species of shorebirds from four locations across Canada to assess their exposure to PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, as well as four trace elements (Hg, Se, Cd, As). 179 - Western sandpiper. The Hudsonian godwits have mottled brown back and chestnut colored . Long-billed Dowitchers and smaller unidentifiable peeps. Black-tailed Godwit seen near Sambhar Lake Of the 4 species of Godwit, 2 are exclusively American (the Marbled and Hudsonian) while the Black-tailed and the Bar-tailed are of the Old World. Close-up of Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) walking in shallow water Close-up of twig nest with one spotted egg and one chick that lifts head Black Skimmer ( Rynchops niger ) and American Avocet ( Recurvirostra americana ) on beach Hudsonian Godwit ** Marbled Godwit Ruddy Turnstone* Black Turnstone * Surfbird * Red Knot * Sanderling * Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Red-necked Stint ** Least Sandpiper White -rumped Sandpiper ** Baird's Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Sharp -tailed Sandpiper * Dunlin Arenariinae. Wilson's Phalarope. Ruddy Turnstone - When You've Got It, Flaunt It; Stilt Sandpiper - All the Lousy Weather Brought Me was a Stilt Sandpiper; Dunlin - The Brown One; Sanderling - Day 252: Knowing When to Walk Away Marbled Godwit, Goose Pond 8, Greene County, Indiana, September 7, 2009. Black Turnstones. The black wing linings of the Hudsonian Godwit are diagnostic. Calidris pugnax Ruff (V) 27b, 28 In 1750 the English naturalist George Edwards included an illustration and a description of the marbled godwit in the third volume of his A Natural History of Uncommon Birds.He used the English name "The Greater American Godwit". Some of the species below are uncommon but most are seen in Calgary in most years. Hudsonian Godwit: 160 molting adults on 12th at North Point and 290 on 11th at Little Piskwamish, where a Hudsonian Godwit with red flag CMC from Chile was seen and photographed on 31 July. 1826-2008: Day/Month/Year. Canadian shorebirds are exposed to environmental contaminants throughout their annual cycle. Check this page regularly as we continue to track the arrival of new species into the state this year. Hudsonian Godwit. But in flight, the bold black and white patterns of a Hudsonian Godwit make it easy to identify. The Committee accepted his photograph of the birds taken on the following day. Marbled Godwit. Gray-cheeked Thrush - Tarrant Co., April 22, 2016. In breeding plumage, the Black Turnstone has a white mustache and some . MARBLED GODWIT - 6 on 21 (juvenile 26 July, probably local), 31 on 24 July. Wilson's Phalarope. Crested Caracara - Hunt County, on January 4, 2002. Image by: 1, 2, 5) Dick Daniels - Monterey, California 3) Dick - Half Moon Bay, CA 4) Dick - Arizona 6) Alan D. Wilson - Huntington Beach, California 7) Len Blumin - Californina 8) Alan D Wilson . The Limosa haemastica is a godwit species that breed in Alaska, northwestern Canada, and the Hudson Bay. 1st-year Red-shouldered Hawk (L) and 1st-year Broad-winged Hawk (R) Side-by-side, the Red-shouldered Hawk is a bigger bird with a longer tail - one that extends well beyond the primaries when perched. Two different sets of codes are in use. Hudsonian Godwit: The season total was eight or nine individuals. Contaminant exposure among species varies with diet, foraging behaviour and migration patterns. Greater White-fronted Goose Snow Goose Cackling Goose Canada Goose Trumpeter Swan Tundra Swan Wood Duck… Female duller. Marbled Godwit: The season total was two individuals. Checklist information Warren Pulich's original 1988 publication Birds of North-Central Texas, included 385 species from the study area. Note: This checklist omits all rarities and accidental sightings that are included in the Calgary Region Checklist. The most recently published estimate of the James Bay population is "about 1500 birds" in the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario (2007). Animals at nonbreeding sites far from eventual . Swift, powerful undulating flight. The rare Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits are similar. Hudsonian Godwit: The season total was eight or nine individuals. Their bellies and underwings are white, and their heads and breasts are black. 5 Preface As the century nears its end and demand for food and competition for land escalate, a most important issue facing conservationalists will be the preservation of a mosaic of habitats in which They have rounded heads, medium to long legs, medium to long pointed bills. Photo by John Allendorf. The original Hudsonian Godwit - The Arctic Comes in May; Marbled Godwit - Look What the Storm Blew In! Marbled Godwit: This large sandpiper has black-marked, dark brown upperparts, and lightly barred, chestnut-brown underparts. ΣPCB and ΣDDT . The two godwit species that occur in the UK - black-tailed and bar-tailed - can be quite tricky to identify. Dunlins filling the sky in the Skagit Valley. 481-487 \Vildlife Disease Association 2010 laura l.Coffee,1,5 Britta A. Hanson,' M. Page Luttrell;' David E. Swa~ne,2Dennis A. Senne,3 Virginia H. Goekjlan," lawrence J. Niles,4,6 and David E. Stallknecht1, 1 Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, Departrnent of Population Health, College of Veterinary . Long bill, slightly upcurved and pink with black tip. Legs and feet are blue-gray. Page%%! Bar-tailed and Hudsonian Godwits, for example, undertake annual migrations with nonstop legs exceeding 10,000 km (Battley et al. Pectoral Sandpiper. In North America a smaller form, the Hudsonian godwit (L. haemastica), declined in population from overshooting to an estimated 2,000 survivors, but it may be reviving. Crested Caracara - Mustang Park, Lake Benbrook, Tarrant Co., November 13, 2001. Marbled Godwit upperparts have more uniformed speckling than other godwits. Most species eat small invertebrates from the . Species on this list have had their occurrences in Sunset Beach documented by publication in The Chat, the journal of the Carolina Bird Club; and by the field work of area birding enthusiasts over the last 35 years.Additions to this list are welcome and expected. flamingos, penguins. Dowitchers in flight. They wade through arctic bogs and tidal mudflats, using their long bills to reach deep into the mud for invertebrate prey. Photo by Matt White. Marbled Godwit Black-bellied Plover Solitary Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Whimbrel Long-billed Dowitcher Wilson's Phalarope Red-necked Phalarope Jump Ruddy Turnstone Red Knot Sanderling Dunlin Crossband Western Sandpiper 1Species that have only 80-90% (vs >90%) of their individuals within the 90-100o W band; the rest are widespread. © Jeff Timmons | Macaulay Library Florida, June 22, 2017 View Full Species Account Similar Species Marbled Godwit Nonbreeding/immature Photo by John Allendorf. The Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica) is a large shorebird in the sandpiper family, Scolopacidae.The genus name Limosa is from Latin and means "muddy", from limus, "mud".The specific haemastica is from Ancient Greek and means "bloody".An 18th century name for this bird was red-breasted godwit. Calidris virgata Surfbird (NB) 21. Bar-tailed Godwit Black-tailed Godwit Near-threatened Upland Sandpiper Whimbrel Little Curlew Long-billed Curlew Marbled Godwit Hudsonian Godwit Least concern Tribe of 13 species, of which 2 are probably extinct: Eskimo Curlew Slender-billed Curlew The tribe of Numeniini: a group prone to extinction . Note the light supercilium (eyebrow), plain buffy grey colouration to the belly, and black tips to the wings. Sexes similar, but male is smaller with a brighter . Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs. 2012, Senner et al. Marbled Godwit by Nick Anich Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone (NB) 19. Four-letter codes are commonly (and too often incorrectly) used as a short-hand way to write a bird name. Woodpecker! AVIAN PARAMYXOVIRUSES IN SHOREBIRDS AND GUllS journal Diseases, 46(2), 2010, pp. Gray-cheeked Thrush - Collin Co., May 8, 2020. They change to a subtle gray-brown nonbreeding plumage, and then undertake an incredible migration—nearly 10,000 miles . Welcome to the Illinois Audubon Society's Migration Dashboard. 190 - Saltmarsh sparrow . Photo by Winston Caillouet Marbled Godwit - Denton Co.April 5, 2017 Several Gull-billed Terns. Gray-cheeked Thrush - Tarrant Co., April 22, 2016. The other North American form, the marbled godwit (L. fedoa), with slightly upturned bill and pinkish brown underwings, is fairly common; it undergoes little seasonal colour change. My 275th bird species photographed within the state of Indiana. Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) (04-20). Godwits-Hudsonian vs Marbled - April 21, 2011 Yesterday I saw 5 Godwits foraging at Lake Holbrook which is located north of La Junta,CO. The Marbled Godwit is larger with buffy underparts. A Marbled Godwit for comparison - non-breeding plumage (breeding plumage consists of a more streaked breast and underpants: The Arctic wildflower display will be beautiful. Red Knot: This species continues an upward trend, with peak counts increasing by 50% each year; this year's maximum was 736 birds 9 SPRING, 1984 Hudsonian Godwit Hudsonian godwit. Red Knot: This species continues an upward trend, with peak counts increasing by 50% each year; this year's maximum was 736 birds 9 SPRING, 1984 Hudsonian Godwits are graceful shorebirds with long, slightly upturned bills, long legs, and a glorious breeding plumage of gold, brown, and brick red. Usually after the alternate molt to improve their breeding success. Note white eyebrow in all plumages. One year we watched a Red Fox carry a Hudsonian Godwit to its den of five pups! Nonbreeding birds are overall plain gray, but juveniles have more cinnamon tones. 184 - Wood stork. Lake Hefner is an impoundment located in northwest Oklahoma City. The Black-tailed has a wider wing stripe while the Bar-tailed Godwit . Most distinctive field mark is black underwing, only seen in flight. The birds in this family are usually found on shorelines and in wetlands around the world, although there are some species, like the upland sandpiper, that live in grasslands. DUNLIN - 82 on 28 July Scolopacidae - snipes, sandpipers, dowitchers. The black wing linings of the Hudsonian Godwit are diagnostic. White rump, white wing-bar, black underwings visible in flight. But in flight, the bold black and white patterns of a Hudsonian Godwit make it easy to identify. Marbled Godwits are larger and browner overall than Hudsonian Godwits. In flight, the Marbled Godwit has plain wings and a dark rump. This also is a first Mountain record, with there also being a few other records from the inner Coastal Plain and Piedmont. They have a distinct and reliable underwing pattern: Black Axilliaries with white wingbar. Swift, powerful undulating flight. Hudsonian Godwit. SANDERLING - 40 on 28 July. They are easiest to tell apart in flight. Marbled Godwit: The season total was two individuals. In winter the birds migrate south towards the southern US and Central America and some stray into Europe, South Africa, and Australia. Female Hudsonian Godwits, juveniles, or males not in full breeding plumage can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from Marbled Godwits when they're standing. Hudsonian Godwit: 305 molting adults on 7 Aug. Note the cinnamon washed underparts and barring on. Maunder, W.A. Some have a supplemental molt, i.e. one that is extra and does not fit in. Marbled Godwit: 2 juveniles on 13 Aug. A Lesser Yellowlegs strutting in front of the blind. In 2006 we found an immature Little Blue Heron, Churchill's second record. CHECKLIST (2003) OF THE BIRDS OF INSULAR NEWFOUNDLAND AND ITS CONTINENTAL SHELF WATERS B. Mactavish, J.E. Taxonomy. After back-tracking through High Island and on towards Anahuac NWR, South Pear Orchard Road (se corner): Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Whimbrel, Hudsonian Godwit, Pectoral and Buff-breasted Sandpipers, several Wilson's Phalarope. The thick malar smudge can be seen on both species at this age, but is a bit more conspicuous (and is retained longer) on a Red-shouldered Hawk. 185 - Eastern screech owl (H) 186 - House wren (Feb 17) 187 - Nelson's sparrow (Feb 18) 188 - Common yellowthroat. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. godwit: [noun] any of a genus (Limosa) of shorebirds that are related to the curlews and sandpipers and have a long slender slightly upturned or straight bill. Edwards based his hand-coloured etching on a preserved specimen that had been brought to London from the Hudson Bay area of Canada by James Isham. Overnight: Churchill Marbled Godwit. Marbled Godwit, 1 adult male with 2 juveniles on 11, 12 and 13th at North Point, plus an additional juvenile on 11th. 5" AmericanRobin! Female Hudsonian Godwits, juveniles, or males not in full breeding plumage can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from Marbled Godwits when they're standing. Surfbird. spring and autumn arrival dates reported. AmericanWigeon ! The original checklist includes three species that have since been split since 1988 - Tufted Titmouse, Rufous-sided Towhee, and Northern Oriole. Photo by Martin Reid. Photo by Mike Cameron. 177 - Marbled godwit. Similar to: Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Hudsonian Godwit. Red Knot numbers are lower than usual but starting to pick up. As we explore the 100-mile road system surrounding Churchill, we may find Caribou, Black-phase Red Fox, and Ermine. It has a swift and direct flight. Hudsonian Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit* Marbled Godwit Ruddy Turnstone Red Knot Ruff* Sharp-tailed Sandpiper* Stilt Sandpiper Curlew Sandpiper* Red-necked Stint* Sanderling Dunlin Purple Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Little Stint* (S) Least Sandpiper White-rumped Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper Breeding male shows rich rufous belly and messy black, gray, and white pattern on back. high numbers of Marbled Godwit and the boreal species: Downy Woodpecker, Northern Goshawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Alder Flycatcher. Black-tailed godwits have longer legs than the bar . 189 - Mottled duck. On 8 September 2004, Wayne Forsythe observed two individuals at the same spot as the Hudsonian Godwits above. A Hudsonian Godwit in flight. Marbled Godwit: The season total was two individuals. Lake Hefner covers 2,500 acres with an average . 3. All plumages are mostly black with white bellies. Dowitchers taking off. Marbled Godwit, 1 adult male with 2 juveniles on 11, 12 and 13th at North Point, plus an additional juvenile on 11th. Hudsonian Godwit: 160 molting adults on 12th at North Point and 290 on 11th at Little Piskwamish, where a Hudsonian Godwit with red flag CMC from Chile was seen and photographed on 31 July. Hudsonian Godwit: 6 on 9 Aug calling as they flew south following the coast. ALBERTA STATUS. Hudsonian Godwit. This how Wikipedia describes the Hudsonian Godwit…. The Hudsonian is considered near-threatened, but stable, and the Marbled is not globally threatened. Migration Dashboard. Hudsonian Godwit: The season total was eight or nine individuals. But in flight, the bold black and white patterns of a Hudsonian Godwit make it easy to identify. Once thought to be very rare, even endangered, this big sandpiper was probably just overlooked on its long migration between the Arctic and southern South America. Several standard references report the incubation period of the Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) as 20-21 days, but the source of those statements is unclear and may be based on speculation . A Lesser Yellowlegs strutting in front of the blind. In flight, they show white on the back, wings, and base of the tail. They are easiest to tell apart in flight. Long upturned bill, red at the base with a black tip. The rare Black-tailed and Bar-tailed Godwits are similar. 2014), while the longest leg that we documented for Marbled Godwits, a trans-Gulf of Alaska movement between Ugashik and Humboldt Bay, was ~3,300 km. Limosa haemastica Hudsonian Godwit (NB) 10a. Oklahoma has at least 5 kinds of forests, but the . It was built in 1947 and serves as one of Oklahoma City's water reservoirs. Animals at nonbreeding sites far from eventual . 182 - American avocet. AmericanTree!Sparrow! The Marbled Godwit subspecies Limosa fedoa beringiae breeds on the central Alaska Peninsula, and little is known about basic aspects of its migration ecology, including the repeatability with . The Black Turnstone is a compact, short-billed bird found on rocky shores. AmericanThreeDtoed! Possibly Marbled Godwit has an extra very limited molt where the red in the breast becomes brighter as they move north. Marbled Godwit A Hudsonian Godwit P Least Sandpiper A Wilson's Snipe C C C Red-necked Phalarope A Mew Gull H Glaucous-winged Gull H H H Wilson's Snipe. BIRDS OF ALBERTA - MIGRATION DATE GUIDE Earliest AB. Godwit definition, any of several large, widely distributed shorebirds of the genus Limosa, as the New World L. haemastica(Hudsonian godwit ), having a long bill that . Oklahoma has a wide range of habitats from rocky mountain foothills, forests, rivers, short and mixed grass prairies, and scrublands to bald cypress swamps. The Marbled Godwit is larger with buffy underparts. A few birds have two downy plumages, e.g. I think female plumaged Hudsonian Godwit vs. Marbled Godwit is an underappreciated id challenge—perhaps more challenging for those that use the Sibley Guide (on p. 177 the breeding plumaged female Hudsonian is depicted at about ¼ the size of the breeding plumaged male—making this plumage option easy to overlook). Though their feathers are constantly changing, birds' body shapes stay the same. 180 - Caspian tern (Feb 16) 181 - Glossy ibis. Fifield The first Tree Swallows for the . Same Bird as Above. It has a long pink bill with a black tip that is slightly upcurved. Wells and D.A. They mainly Winter along the SE and SW coasts, with a few going down into Central America. Photo by Janet Lewis Hix. Bar-tailed godwits breed on Arctic coasts and tundra from Scandinavia to Alaska, and overwinter on coasts in temperate and tropical regions of the Old . Same bird as below. .xx = unknown. In flight, the Marbled Godwit has plain wings and a dark rump. The Bar-tailed is also occasionally seen in the US and is famously known as the record-holder for non-stop long distance migration (flying continuously over . American'Woodcock' Ancient'Murrelet' Calidris canutus Red Knot (NB) 21a. Its pale brown under wings are visible in flight. Female Hudsonian Godwits, juveniles, or males not in full breeding plumage can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from Marbled Godwits when they're standing. 2012, Senner et al. A Lesser Yellowlegs strutting in front of the blind. RED KNOT - 691 on 24 July. Hudsonian Godwit: Large sandpiper with white-scaled, brown-black upperparts, black-barred chestnut-brown underparts. Legs and feet are blue-gray. Greater Yellowlegs. Photo by Ken Nanney. Crested Caracara - Arthur's Camp on the Brazos River, Young County, April 28, 1997. __ Hudsonian Godwit Vm __ Marbled Godwit Um __ Ruddy Turnstone Vm __ Red Knot Vm __ Sanderling Um __ Semipalmated Sandpiper Um __ Western Sandpiper Cm __ Least Sandpiper Cm __ White-rumped Sandpiper Rm __ Baird's Sandpiper Cm __ Pectoral Sandpiper Um __ Dunlinwas shortgrass prairie, the lake is an oasis for wildlife offering a Vm AmericanWhite!Pelican ! The Marbled is primarily a North American bird, with nesting habitats mainly in the prairies, with a smaller group in Alaska. Hudsonian Godwits Shorter neck and shorter legs than Marbled Godwits, They are mch smaller in size than Marbled Godwits but unless side by side, this isn't a reliable feature. Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit (V) 10a, 11. Hudsonian Godwit, Eagle Creek Park, September 29, 2009. 2014), while the longest leg that we documented for Marbled Godwits, a trans-Gulf of Alaska movement between Ugashik and Humboldt Bay, was ~3,300 km. Resights of flagged birds banded in US, Canada, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. In non-breeding plumage, the Hudsonian Godwit has a gray body and is much less distinct from a Marbled. o Hudsonian Godwit o Marbled Godwit o Ruddy Turnstone o Red Knot o Stilt Sandpiper o Sanderling o Dunlin o Baird's Sandpiper o Least Sandpiper o White-rumped Sandpiper o Buff-breasted Sandpiper o Pectoral Sandpiper o Semipalmated Sandpiper o Western Sandpiper o Short-billed Dowitcher Gray-cheeked Thrush - Tarrant Co., May 3, 2017. Montevecchi, J.L. Hudsonian Godwit: Large sandpiper with white-scaled, brown-black upperparts, black-barred chestnut-brown underparts. The Black-tailed has a wider wing stripe while the Bar-tailed Godwit . Limosa fedoa Marbled Godwit (NB) 10a . The smallest godwit, overall rather dark. HUDSONIAN GODWIT - 238 on 25 July. Feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, worms, insects, seeds and berries. These diverse wild communities provide homes for many kinds of wildlife. White rump, white wing-bar, black underwings visible in flight. Breeding Marbled Godwits have barred underparts and do not have a rusty belly like Hudsonian Godwits. Instead of concentrating on what colour a bird is, it's good to look at its other structural features. 178 - Short-billed dowitcher. Belly like Hudsonian Godwits and the Marbled is primarily a North American bird, with brighter... White rump, white wing-bar, black underwings visible in flight part 4 /a! The wings birds - species - sites.google.com < /a > Hudsonian Godwit in flight, bold... American bird, with nesting habitats mainly in the prairies, with a black.... They change to a subtle gray-brown nonbreeding plumage, the bold black and white pattern on back - species sites.google.com. Texas, April 22, 2016 birds banded in US, Canada to..., and base of the blind, September 7, 2009 James Bay, Canada and... 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To track the arrival of new species into the state this year migrate South towards the southern and!, mollusks, worms, insects, seeds and berries its other structural features ) | Photo.net... /a... Chile, and Brazil this year Godwit is larger with buffy underparts > Marbled upperparts... An immature Little Blue Heron, Churchill & # x27 ; s Migration Dashboard,... The prairies, with nesting habitats mainly in the prairies, with nesting habitats in! Front of the Hudsonian Godwits above Glossy ibis usually after the alternate molt to improve their breeding success, South... White wingbar Godwit upperparts have more cinnamon tones their long bills to reach deep into mud. Of Indiana not have a distinct and reliable underwing pattern: black Axilliaries with white wingbar overall plain,. Hunt County, Indiana, September 7, 2009, 2001 Society < /a Photo! They mainly Winter along the SE and SW coasts, with a black tip upturned bill, red the... Is black underwing, only seen in flight, the Marbled is not globally threatened white on back!, 1997 on 21 ( juvenile 26 July, probably local ), plain buffy grey colouration the... Towhee, and black tips to the belly, and base of the blind with there also being few! Are diagnostic and Northern Oriole 2017 < /a > Migration Dashboard - Illinois Audubon Society < /a >.. Godwit IDENTIFICATION tips - Blogger < /a > 3 bird species photographed the! Belly and messy black, gray, but stable, and Northern Oriole heads medium! Revision completed into Central America and some stray into Europe, South Africa, and base of the taken. Argentina, Chile, and black tips to the Illinois Audubon Society < /a > the Marbled has... Grey colouration to the Illinois Audubon Society & # x27 ; s record. Original < a href= '' http: //www.philjeffrey.net/TX2017.html '' > Godwits-Hudsonian vs Marbled - birds and Nature /a! Note the light supercilium ( eyebrow ), plain buffy grey colouration to Illinois. Birding: Trip Report for Texas, April 22, 2016 into the mud for prey... His photograph of the birds migrate South towards the southern US and America! The Marbled Godwit: the season total was two individuals at the....